Baby cot is available upon request for infants under 2 years old.
Children from 12 years old and over are considered as adults. Please contact the property directly for more information.
Children under 4 years old stay for free if using existing bed. There is an additional breakfast charge for children. Please contact the property directly for more information.
Guests must provide a valid form of government regulated identification (eg. passport, ID card, driver’s license, etc.) upon check-in. In the case that guests could not provide birth certificates for children, the children’s age will be converted from their height.
In order to save time for check-in process and strengthening security, the property has deployed a photo identification management system. Guests are therefore required to send the property photos (taken within 1 month) after reservation is made.
The package includes 3 meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner). Guest are able to change the meal plan from lunch on departure date to lunch on arrival day by informing the property at least 5 days prior arrival. Meal change are only available for guests checking in before 1:00 PM and checking out before lunch on departure day. Guest who wish to have lunch on check out date will be charged an additional buffet cost.
The property will collect a gala dinner fee for every adult and every child for Christmas Eve and/or New Year's Eve.
Gala dinner/breakfast is provided for 2 persons per booking. Any addition person will be charged an extra fee.